About the GTCDA
The G.T.C.D.A. is a steel-tip dart league with members from both Northeastern Tennessee and Southwestern Virginia.
League play takes place at Sponsoring Businesses in the Greater Tri-Cities area.
The G.T.C.D.A. shall practice no discrimination because of age, sex, race, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or nationality.
New members are welcome to join any time before or during a season.
Membership is an automatic acceptance of the current Rules of Play.
Teams consist of at least 4 players and no more than 8 players.
Teams may choose to play matches on either Monday or Tuesday nights weekly at 7:30 pm. following the match profile listed below.
4 Singles 501(SI/DO) Matches
4 Singles Cricket Matches
2 Doubles 601(DI/DO) Matches
2 Doubles Cricket Matches
1 Four Person Team 1001(DI/DO) Match
At the beginning of a season, each player will be ranked depending on his/her previous league(s) performance using the following formula
50% Average MVP's/Game + 40% Singles Win PCT + 10% Doubles Win PCT + a Player's "Big Dart Average"
This average consists of the total award winning darts divided by the total number of games he/she plays.
New players will be ranked at a .450, unless decided otherwise by the Executive Council.